However, what started as a past-time for just a few users quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. Now, millions of people in the world play Wordle, and it’s even inspired its fair share of similar games. This includes Fireword, a puzzle word game from Xfire that’s just like Wordle but instead of random words, Fireword makes you guess words from video games. The rules for Fireword are simple: you have six tries to guess a word that could be anywhere between four to six letters long. You’ll know how long the Fireword of the day is based on the number of tiles you see in each row. The Fireword of the day can be anything related to video games. It can be someone’s name like “Kojima”, a meme, character, genre, title, or any other term or word related to video games. Here’s a quick guide on how to play Wordle: Xfire’s Fireword should prove to be more difficult compared to Wordle. Unlike the frontrunner in the genre, Fireword might draw from obscure sources that only hardcore gamers will know. You could say that this is the ultimate test of gamer knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to the Fireword page and try your luck. Be warned, this is not for the casual gamer.

Xfire officially launches Fireword   the Wordle for gamers - 58Xfire officially launches Fireword   the Wordle for gamers - 99